a Research and Study Center for New languages in Communication and Transmedia narrative, Digital Culture.
Artecnologia researches, develops and experiments instruments that will be useful for the diffusion of digital culture with the aim of contrasting the Cultural Digital Divide in Italy, and with following and connected aim of contribute to the development the Information Society in all the fringes of the Italian population.
Artecnologia researches, develops and experiments instruments that will be useful for the diffusion of digital culture with the aim of contrasting the Cultural Digital Divide in Italy, and with following and connected aim of contribute to the development the Information Society in all the fringes of the Italian population.
Artecnologia is a non-profit Cultural Association which acts following its objectives in joint venture with Universities, R&D Organizations, Local Government & Cultural Institutions , Third Sector Organizations, elaborating and promoting projects of Cultural Politics and Cause related marketing campaigns and aimed to ease the transition to a Digital & Knowledge Economy based Society.
eEurope – An information society for everyone.
With the action plan “eEurope 2002” – defined in Lisbon’s strategy scope, which aimed to make the European Union the world’s more competitive an dynamic Knowledge Economy by 2010 – the EU has defined that the transitio to a digital economy based on knowledge will have to represent an important growth, competition and workplaces creation factor.
It will lead, moreover, to improve the quality of life of citizen and environment.
To ease the creation of this “Information Society of Everyone”, in 1999 the European Commission started the “eEurope” initiative, an ambitious program intended to popularize Information Technologies in the widest possible.
To ease the creation of this “Information Society of Everyone”, in 1999 the European Commission started the “eEurope” initiative, an ambitious program intended to popularize Information Technologies in the widest possible.
The president Vittorio Dublino - who started ante litteram to deal with this themes participating actively to the program of experimental research “Umanesimo e Tecnologia”, promoted by the "Orientale" University of Naples - after to have taken note of sense of urgency of the UE's calls on this issues, decided to share with his colleagues the idea to promote the foundation of Artecnologia, with the aim to collaborate actively with local Government Institutions in the creation of projects focused on the development of the Information Society over the urban texture.
In 2004 Artecnologia, with “PDCo45 (Promoting Digital Culture over 45)” defines his first work program aimed to the diffusion of knowledge and promotion of the usage of new Information Technologies in the over-45 segment of population: this large segment (about 50%) is the most affected by the Cultural Digital Divide and, as a consequence, the most discriminated from the Right of Citizenship in the Information Society.
In scientific partnership with the Suor Orsola Benincasa University of Naples, Artecnologia conceived the need of forming new professional figures to ease the transition to an “Information Society for Everyone”. Following, the Suor Orsola Benincasa University of Naples started, in partnership with Artecnologia, its first post-graduate degree course of high-formation in Digital Culture introducing the professional skill “Mediator of the Digital Culture”: this master degree was probably the first course of its kind that was given by an European University taking heed of UE's requests to contrast the Cultural Digital Divide phenomen.
In the following years of applied research in the scope of its knowledges and in the field of its research mission for the valorization of the Cultural and Environmental Heritage with the usage of new creative technologies, Artecnologia helped actively to the elaboration of several planning concepts in the field of Industry of Digital Content
like the Virtual Archeological Museum in Herculaneum,
within his cooperation with Provincia di Napoli
Cultural Policies Direction.
like the Virtual Archeological Museum in Herculaneum,
within his cooperation with Provincia di Napoli
Cultural Policies Direction.
Artecnologia, in the pursue of its objective for development of new languages in the field of transmedia social communication and new form of Arts, has activated multiple work plans with its partner.